



A personal project and an exercise in having empathy for a group of people I cannot relate to. An application for parents to off load chores and tasks to services to family members and businesses.


The Problem

For new parents, transitioning back to full-time work is exhausting. These parents need better technology to help them save time so that they will be rested while doing their jobs.



I made a survey to send out to my friends that had kids to get a better read on the pain points around being a parent and see if there were opportunities to help make life easier without getting in the way of their limited free time.

Some sample questions from the survey were:

  • How many hours of sleep do you need to feel rested?

  • Balancing a job and kids doesn't leave you very much rest time. How would you define your rest time?

  • What were the biggest challenges going back to work after having a child?

  • If a genie granted you three wishes to give you more time to rest while being a parent, what would they be?



With the data I’d collected and some competitive research and analysis, I discovered that parents might be able to divvy up chores to people outside of their household to family members and the various delivery and subscription services.

  1. Build a simple seamless app that fits into a new working parent’s lifestyle. 

  2. Free up time from chores and tasks to dedicate to rest.

  3. Create a network of trusted contacts for the user to help with chores. 

  4. Offer a flexible price point for users with varying budgets.  


Create and app that allows the user to offload any chore you have planned throughout the week to a connected service or trusted contact. 

The user will be able to schedule tasks in the upcoming week inside of the app and have the option to “take a load off.” This will give them the option to assign the task to a connected service or trusted contact. 


Sketching and Wireframing



I created a full prototype in Invision to pass around to my friends with kids for feedback and another prototype in Principle.
